Tuesday, March 26, 2013


Hello guys as you see quicksilver is now available in stores for AGENTS Only he can transport with his fast legs and double jump i thought it was funny that his second jump is like ice mans jump sometimes! :D

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Wonder Man!

                   Its Wonder Man some of you already guessed it I gave you a "Hint" In the last post!      He was released today March 6, Wednesday but I dont have enough gold so I guess I'll buy him Tommorow! He is only 600 gold and for everyone so everyone can buy him and here is a pic and proof that he is now in the Store!

New Hero Coming Out On Wednesday!

                   There is a new hero coming to super hero city he is a flying hero and quite powerful!                                              Might be the most Wonderful hero so far!
                                                           "Hint"Hint" Wonderful!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Sheild Agent!

                                 Great news I am now a Jr. Sheild Agent!

Friday, March 1, 2013

Whats new in Super Hero City?

                                       Just giving you guys a heads up at whats in super hero city!