Sunday, February 24, 2013

Bucky Cap Review

                     When Captain America takes a break Bucky is ready to fill his place!

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Avengers Assemble!

                                           Just me and my friends hanging as the Avengers!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Soon to be my heroes!

 In 2 weeks guys i should have all of these heroes that u see above!:)

Beast Review

                      Beast is a part of the X-men, he was once a human and a great scientice but now he is a beast and now can use his acrobatic skills and science to help the X-men win their battles! He is only three hundred gold in the stores, and three marvel points!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Spiders Chillin!

                                     Just me and my friend Sky Sir Singer chillin and hangin out!

Angel Review

Here is the angel review buy him in stores only 300 gold! Can fly and double jump!

Opening Of The Stealth Matrix Blog

                                                     This is the opening picture of my blog!
                                        Thanks to Hunting Forgetful Cowboy I got inspired in
                                                                  making my own blog.