Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Tuesday, March 26, 2013


Hello guys as you see quicksilver is now available in stores for AGENTS Only he can transport with his fast legs and double jump i thought it was funny that his second jump is like ice mans jump sometimes! :D

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Wonder Man!

                   Its Wonder Man some of you already guessed it I gave you a "Hint" In the last post!      He was released today March 6, Wednesday but I dont have enough gold so I guess I'll buy him Tommorow! He is only 600 gold and for everyone so everyone can buy him and here is a pic and proof that he is now in the Store!

New Hero Coming Out On Wednesday!

                   There is a new hero coming to super hero city he is a flying hero and quite powerful!                                              Might be the most Wonderful hero so far!
                                                           "Hint"Hint" Wonderful!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Sheild Agent!

                                 Great news I am now a Jr. Sheild Agent!

Friday, March 1, 2013

Whats new in Super Hero City?

                                       Just giving you guys a heads up at whats in super hero city!